Amelia Akers
Inner Fire Yoga TeacherI attended my first yoga class after a particularly stressful week during my freshman year of college. Having been struggling with anxiety and depression for some time, I felt desperate to find something that could clear tension from both my mind and body. I was insecure, foggy-minded, and unbalanced - yoga changed all of that.
As my practice has deepened in the years since I have begun to fully appreciate the role this practice plays in my life. Yoga has become my escape - the one place my mind and body can be totally in sync. I feel my strongest and most beautiful (inside and out) when I am on my mat. Every time I deepen a pose or learn to breathe through a new one, I am amazed at how far I have come from that first class.
This practice has brought me so much and my ultimate goal is simply to share that feeling with others.