Gratitudes from our Staff and Teachers ❤️


Marit Sathrum: “I'm grateful for the entire inner fire yoga community: yogis that value Compassion, Kindness, Discipline, Inclusivity, Integrity, Cleanliness and Humility - exactly what the world needs.”

Dr. Ruddy: “Hot yogis’ beautiful, sweaty faces after class. Dog parks. Madison Public Library.”

Hannah Moran: “I’m grateful for my profoundly supportive yoga community. You all are more important to me than you could ever imagine <3 Happy Thanksgiving, all!”

Erin Van Alstine: “I am grateful for my health, my family, and my yoga community. I’m so thankful to be able to be back practicing with this community.”

Karen Knetter: “The top of my list of gratitudes include for my wonderful daughters, family, my friends who lean on each other and are thankful for it, all those individuals/businesses/political leaders who are taking action to slow climate change, recent advancements in medicine, my strange & loving cat, and Ted Lasso.”

Liz Preston: "This year I'm grateful for things I took more notice of in childhood. Sparkling dew drops shimmering on the end of branches; the smell of leaves decomposing as I walk by; the lilting of children's' voices as they play; the maltiness as that first sip of tea hits my tongue; and the soft embrace of the faux fur blanket I curl up with on a cold winter night."

Claire Peterson: “I have gratitude for my community, both within & outside of the studio space. Thankful for the mindful space & ability to move my body.”

Victoria Ortgiesen: “It’s a lot! The love and support of family and friends, health, purpose. Most of all, I am grateful to have finally found a partner who sees my true light. Love really can uplift and support us through every new day, and onto the accomplishment of all our courageous goals. And I would be remiss not to mention my immense gratitude for Marit, Michael, Hannah, Amelia, and every other teacher in-person and virtual who continues to keep Inner Fire alive and thriving. Without Yoga, I think my life would be very different. 🙏🏻”

Kerry Helmer: “Grateful for the Inner Fire community that supports, motivates, comforts, inspires, cares.”

Amelia Akers: “I am incredibly grateful to the Inner Fire community for taking me in, to my family and friends for supporting me no matter what, and to all the healthcare providers (especially therapists) for doing so much for others.

Michael Hoefferle: Holy cow. This is DIFFICULT. I am grateful for so many things, people and experiences related to Inner Fire Yoga. I started attending classes regularly at Inner Fire in 2004 and began employment at the studio, thanks to Marit, in 2006. In that time, I’ve gotten to know hundreds of wonderful people, and so many of them have given me love, nuggets of wisdom, laughter, and support. My 1000+ classes have kept me well-oiled, centered, and ready for more. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!


Intention: The Magic Ingredient of Yoga


Practicing Yoga as a Full-Time Student