10 Ways to Celebrate Halloween, Yoga-Style


by Hannah Moran

1) Join us for Halloween Flow & Glow on Oct 31, 2023! This special holiday class is FREE for Members and bookable with any existing Inner Fire Yoga plan. We’ll have blacklights, glow sticks and body paint for a spooky twist on a classic flow-style class. Wear something white and get ready to light up the night with us! (and bring a towel that you don’t care too much about — you WILL sweat off some paint!)

Halloween Flow & Glow w/Amelia
Tues. 10/31 | 6:30-7:30pm | East Studio

2) Make your Halloween costume out of old yoga mats! 🤯

Until I saw this I’d never actually thought of making a costume out of yoga mats! This opens a lot of doors, especially for those classic throwback superhero/villain costumes with all that color-blocking. Use your imagination! Plus, make creative use of your old, worn-out yoga mats :)

3) Dress up like your favorite yoga pose: Cat-Cow (Part cow, part cat – all Yogi 🐮😺🕉), Half Pigeon, Dancer, Forehead to Knee Pose (that one’s a thinker), Corpse pose (zombie yoga?) – the list goes on… Get creative and goofy with it!

BONUS IDEA: This one’s for our furry friends! This Cat-Cow costume for cats will make all your yoga friends chuckle. Put your cat in a cow costume and call it a day 😹

4) Decorate your front yard with these “Death By Yoga” skeletons and have your whole neighborhood laughing!

5) Carve your favorite yoga pose into a pumpkin! You’ll need a fine eye for detail, but if you pull it off, the effect is stunning. This one was done last year by our Studio Manager, Amelia 🎃

6) Wear a yoga-friendly costume to class on Monday, Oct 31! Tips: don’t wear too much makeup – you’ll sweat it off and it will destroy both your yoga mat and our very expensive cork floors... Wear something breathable – remember, it’s hot in there! Bonus points if it’s yoga-related in any way. Here’s some inspiration from past Halloweens at Inner Fire Yoga:

7) Make a spooky Halloween Yoga playlist for your home practice. I like this one on Spotify, in case you need some inspiration :)

8) Get your Yogi Skeletons out! You can find these almost anywhere that halloween decor is sold – Costco, Amazon, HomeGoods, you name it. These popular little skellies will spook up your home just in time for the holiday, and possibly even remind you to come in and take a yoga class soon :)

9) Get the kids involved and put some spooky spins on your favorite yoga poses!

10) Instead of Sun Salutations, try doing some Moon Salutes as the moon rises in the sky! Same sequence, but instead of the masculine sun, we’re honoring the feminine moon in all it’s spooky glory 🌖 

The Moon Salutation (or “Chandra Namaskara”) is much like a Sun B sequence, but with low lunges instead of warrior ones. This article from Yoga International will walk you through it.

Wishing you a safe, spooky Halloween,


Holidays, Yoga, Digestion and Sudoku


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