Karen Rigsby Karen Rigsby

Message from Karen Rigsby

My dearest friends and students at Inner Fire,

Many teachers have sent out video greetings. I have tried. I have tried to set up my iPad to record a greeting to you. But each time I try, I get about 30 seconds in, and my emotions well up and pour out my eyeballs. I miss you all.

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Karen Rigsby Karen Rigsby

What’s the difference between Attention and Intention?

Written by Inner Fire Yoga teacher, Karen Rigsby

Attention is where your eyes focus. Intention is where your heart is focused.” -Grandpa Kraft at my high school graduation circa 1980s

When we begin a yoga practice, our attention might be initially on our breath, on our alignment, on what our asana looks like in the mirror. We might focus on the strength of our standing leg while we contort our spine to some preconceived notion of flexion so as to put our forehead on our knee. Our intention, however, is where we hope our practice takes us. Our intention brings our awareness to a quality or virtue we wish to cultivate in our lives. A yoga practice may seem daunting in and of itself without the indulgence of virtue. But once we have the bones right, virtue follows naturally. It hangs the muscle on our practice.

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