Marit is back!


Marit Sathrum, the founder, owner and director of Inner Fire Yoga, has returned to Madison. If you weren’t aware, Marit spent the last couple of years in LA so that both her son and daughter could attend special performing arts schools.

From Marit: “I am very glad to be home! Mostly, it is great to be back in my cherished community practicing yoga at the three awesome Inner Fire Yoga studios. Also, I’m happy to be breathing clean air and seeing beauty everywhere. South central WI is so beautiful! I look forward to teaching yoga again, and to continuing to lead Inner Fire Yoga into another decade of offering our amazing brand of hot yoga to Madisonians. Our vision, mission, promise and values are needed by the world (read them here), and our tagline “Reach Higher - Burn Brighter” stands for always doing and being our best. As a result of following these guiding principles over the past 17 years, I know in my heart that Inner Fire Yoga is the most amazing yoga community there is, and I’m grateful to everyone who is a part of it. I look forward to seeing you on our yoga mats at Inner Fire Yoga!”


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