Yoga = Discipline

Written by Inner Fire Yoga owner, director and teacher, Marit Sathrum

As a teacher training student of Hot Yoga in 1997, I learned about the five aspects of the mind that are developed through a Hot Yoga practice: Faith, Discipline, Determination, Concentration, and Patience. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra Chapter 1 verse 2 states: Yoga is the controlling of the fluctuations of the mind. So just how exactly is this accomplished through yoga? With #2 on the aspect list: self-discipline.

Self-discipline is a bedrock of yoga practice. And as we all know, it is one of, if not THE most important attribute of any fitness practice. Hence Nike’s brilliant tagline: Just Do It. Inner Fire Yoga offers an equal emphasis on self-discipline embodied in its name and vision: The name Inner Fire Yoga grew out of the yoga principle tapas, meaning fiery discipline. Through a committed yoga practice, tapas burns away physical and mental roadblocks leading to a state of mental focus and physical freedom.

Think about it, have you ever regretted a yoga class? Not me. Even though I often feel I don’t have the time or energy to go to yoga class, as an act of self-discipline I mostly go anyways. I always leave class feeling refreshed, with a sense of balance and clarity. The benefits I experience endorse the decision to go to class, which subsequently strengthens the overall dedication to a regular, disciplined practice. Many of us have experienced how the clarity, strength, and sense of contentment we earn from a regular yoga practice “bleeds” into all activities and relationships in our lives: work, diet, emotions, habits, addictions, love, friendship, etc. Eventually, stepping on the yoga mat is an essential part of who we are and the decision to go to class is no longer a labored one.

Here are a few practical tips to support a disciplined practice:

  • Schedule your weekly yoga classes in advance on the studio’s app (set a calendar reminder weekly to do so). If you hope to practice 3x each week, schedule 4 classes. If you can’t make all of your scheduled classes, you’ll still hit your goal. If you make it to all of them, what a huge bonus! Download the Inner Fire Yoga app here if you don’t already have it:

    Inner Fire Yoga App - Android

    Inner Fire Yoga App - Apple

  • Join Inner Fire Yoga’s Personal Revolution, our yoga challenge that is offered several times each year. Even if you don’t hit the final goal, you’ll inevitably develop a more regular practice and the results will be priceless (plus it’s weirdly satisfying to put up the stickers). Read Inner Fire Yoga’s student testimonials for inspiration, many of them mention how joining the Personal Revolution was the catalyst to becoming a dedicated yogi, which transformed their lives for the better.

  • Release attachments to a yoga style, a yoga teacher, a favorite spot in the yoga room, the temperature of class, etc. Consider yoga practice as exactly that: yoga practice. If you can’t make it to your cherished studio for practice, roll out your mat at home for a minimum of 3-4 poses. Even five minutes of yoga can still the mind and relax the body.

  • Create a routine. Practice at the same time of day and/or the same days each week. A routine is helpful in establishing a disciplined practice.

  • Find a yoga buddy to go to class with you for accountability.

  • Be patient and forgiving of yourself if you don’t make it to yoga class when you planned to, or if it’s been a few weeks or months and you really want to get back on your mat. When re-starting your practice, keep your goals achievable. Remember, that first step onto your yoga mat is the hardest.

  • Take a moment right now and consider your dedication and commitment to your yoga practice. Are you satisfied? If not, consider re-establishing your commitment with a pledge to yourself (say it out loud, write it on a post-it note and put it on your fridge, etc).

We all know what a wonderful act of self-love it is to step on our yoga mats. Commit to burning away the impurities (tapas), to controlling the fluctuations of the mind, to freedom in your body. At Inner Fire Yoga we pledge to ignite your inner fire - your tapas - inspiring you to reach higher and burn brighter. 🕉


Message from Karen Rigsby


Psychology of Yoga