Brad Erickson

Inner Fire Yogi since May 2022

My journey with yoga started about 10 years ago when I was 13, following along with a 'Jillian Michaels: Yoga Meltdown' DVD in the basement of my childhood home. As I got older, I began attending classes at a local yoga studio every now and then. I was a busy student athlete in high school, but I made sure to get some yoga in, even if it was only once a month. At the time I didn’t think too much about why I enjoyed yoga so much – I just did.

When I first got to college, I would practice in my dorm room with the heat cranked up. I did the same thing throughout the height of COVID-19 quarantine in my bedroom at home – just me, a space heater, and my yoga practice. Throughout college, the time and motivation for yoga slipped. I did, however, do a couple classes at Inner Fire Yoga during that time. It was the first hot yoga studio that I tried in Madison, and I just knew I wouldn’t need to try anywhere else… I loved it!

Once I graduated college and started my career, I knew I needed to invest more time and energy into my yoga practice because as I grew older, I learned the benefits of yoga and ultimately why I enjoyed it so much when I began 10 years ago. 

I work as a nurse in the Burn ICU at UW Health. I’m often in intense and high-stress situations for long periods of time. It can be a rewarding job, but it can also take an immense toll on one’s physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing (if you don’t attend to those outside of the hospital).

With that in mind, it wasn’t long after I transitioned to being an ICU nurse that I became a member at Inner Fire Yoga. I began practicing on my days off of work, so about 3-4 days a week. It was truly a life changing decision. Yoga restores me. I can feel the tension leave my body with each intentional breath. I can feel the anxiety drip off my shoulders with the sweat. I can feel my mind strengthen with each pose. 

Not only has being a member at Inner Fire taught me things about myself and my yoga practice, but it has also brought me to a beautiful community. Every time I step through the threshold at either East or West, I’m greeted by a smiling face and welcomed by like-minded yogi’s who inspire me and push me. I am beyond grateful for all of the amazing instructors, and hope to be one someday :) Namaste!


Camryn Boyle