Camryn Boyle

Inner Fire Yogi since 11/2023 (he/him)

What first brought me to yoga was in looking for a way to gain more flexibility and balanced strength throughout my body, and to hone my meditation practice, in a search of a more profound physical embodiment of my journey. 

My Yoga practice started in February of 2018 in Minneapolis where I used to live, at a studio a block away from my house at the time. I decided to try it out on a whim as a new form of exercise and as a way to recover from other more high impact activities and a very physical job as a kitchen worker in a grocery store deli. I continued on in my exploration of yoga and with a regular practice of at least 4 days a week on my own, online, and at different venues locally after I moved back to Madison (my home town) in 2022. 

I finally began my practice at IFY last winter in December of 2023 with the intention of finding a new studio with enough classes whenever it worked best for me so that I could practice as much as my schedule would allow.

Yoga has helped me the most in life by ‘Upgrading Sensory Register’. By this I mean it has made a positive improvement to the way my body processes and uses its external stimuli.  It has increased my ability to focus clearly on my own desires and objectives to be able to manifest them in my life at will with more ease and grace. 

Yoga has also been a tool for me to live best, even in times of hardship and stress. My practice has helped me feel better and more comfortable inside of my body as well as on a day-to-day basis in a way that I find particularly joyful. It has quickened my reflexes and improved my ability to balance and withstand greater physical exertion while remaining calm and aware. 

My favorite poses right now are Crescent Lunge, Balancing Stick, and Half Moon. Poses that challenge me the most these days are Warrior Three, Standing Side Angle, Camel, and Crow.


Brad Erickson


Leslie Howard