Dennis McCarthey

Inner Fire Yogi since April 2023

My name is Dennis McCarthey (“Denny”). I have been a member of IFY since April of 2023 and just completed my 200th class! 

I have always been an active man running about 25 miles a week but until I found Yoga, I have never truly been passionate about mind, body and spirit connection. Yoga is something so special to me and will continue to be a cornerstone of my life for all of my days. 

The pure beauty of yoga is that any level can start and see the benefits. That is what happened to me. Doing online YouTube videos to start,  I started feeling my body loosen up. My friend Dan invited me to a slow flow class and I was instantly hooked. I could not get to the front desk fast enough to sign my name on the dotted line to become a member of inner fire Yoga. One of the best decisions of my entire life.  

I started out shaky and uncoordinated, however, everyone around me made me feel comfortable and able. I slowly learned that we are a steward of our breath. Our breath guides us in this practice and in life. I then found myself in difficult situations outside of Yoga and with the help of my breath, I calmed my mind and spirit. I was then able to handle any difficult situation with ease. I noticed my core and body strengthening, I noticed an inner peace that was infectious, and an upgraded quality of life.

My teachers (Jennifer, Katherine, Anne, Amelia and Juli) have not only taught me form, they are almost life coaches for your spirit. Katherine especially, taught me the importance of savasana, calming  the mind and breath and not only releasing the previous pose but to allow the poses to do their work. 

I am so incredibly thankful for the teachers at IFY to help me become the yogi I am today.


Zach Small


Vicky Ortiz